list of popular social media platforms

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List of popular social media platforms


  1. Facebook – 2.8 billion monthly active users
  2. YouTube – 2 billion logged-in monthly active users
  3. WhatsApp – 2 billion monthly active users
  4. Instagram – 1 billion monthly active users
  5. WeChat – 1.2 billion monthly active users
  6. TikTok – 700 million monthly active users
  7. LinkedIn – 740 million registered users
  8. Reddit – 430 million monthly active users
  9. Twitter – 330 million monthly active users
  10. Pinterest – 400 million monthly active users
  11. Snapchat – 500 million monthly active users
  12. Telegram – 500 million monthly active users
  13. Discord – Over 140 million monthly active users
  14. Medium – Over 120 million monthly active users
  15. Tumblr – Over 100 million blogs (exact active user count is not readily available)
  16. Quora – Over 300 million monthly active users
  17. Twitch – Over 30 million daily active users
  18. Sina Weibo – Over 500 million registered users (Chinese social media platform)

These figures are approximate and can vary depending on different sources and criteria used to define “users.” It’s important to keep in mind that the user counts provided here are based on available data up until September 2021, and the numbers may have changed since then.